WENG Yi-chun WU Hui-ying.A Study and Forecast of the Causality between Exchange Rate, Gold
Price, Oil Price, Interest Rate, and CPI by VECM[J].Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic,2012,(01):25-32.
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
A Study and Forecast of the Causality between Exchange Rate, Gold
Price, Oil Price, Interest Rate, and CPI by VECM
- 文章编号:
1671-931X (2012) 01-0025-08
- 作者:
翁逸群; 吴蕙瑛
- Author(s):
WENG Yi-chun1 WU Hui-ying2
Department of Business Administration, Overseas Chinese University, Taichung40721, China
- 关键词:
ADF单根检定; Granger因果检定; 向量误差修正模型
- Keywords:
ADF test; Granger Causality Test; VECM
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
This research is examining and forecasting the casuality between exchange rate, gold price, oil price, in—
terest rate, and CPI. ADF unit root test shows that after first order difference, all variables exhibit stationary state. Coin—
tegrating test shows all variables have the Cointegration relationship. We find that the preceding rise of gold price will
induce the drop of exchange rate and will trigger the falling of gold price in the near future. The preceding rises of oil
price can usually lead to the rise of gold price, while current rise of interest rate will cause a decline of interest rate in
the next couple of weeks. A rise of gold price will be followed by a decline of CPI. A rise of CPI can be expected after
the climbing of interest rate. The Granger causality relationship Test shows that the gold price can Granger influence
interest rate and oil price. The interest rate can Granger affect exchange rate, but exchange rate and CPI can't Granger
affect other variables. Finally, we forecast exchanger rate and CPI by VECM, and the MAE, MSE, and MAPE all obey
the criterion. The results of forecast are positive on statistics.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:翁逸群(1964-) ,男,汉族,博士,台湾台中人,侨光科技大学企业管理系副教授,研究方向:财务金融学;吴蕙瑛(1988-) ,女,汉
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